Food Insecurity

Below is a list of food resources in Milford.  If you are in need of food assistance please contact any of the agencies below.  If you are not food insecure, please consider donating to or volunteering at any of these agencies. Thank you!

Milford Department of Human Services

150 Gulf Street, Milford, CT 06460  |  (203) 783-3253
Provides food vouchers to all Milford residents in need. Emergency food gift cards + referrals to resources. Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program and Salvation Army Farmers Market vouchers. Assistance with SNAP, WIC, and other benefits ... [ more ]

Milford Food Assistance Resource Guide

This printable two-page guide lists the Food Pantries, Lunch and Dinner Meals, Farmers Markets, and Food Delivery programs available in Milford ... [ more ]

Milford Food Pantries

First United Church of Christ

34 West Main Street | (203) 877-4277
Food Pantry on Tuesdays once per month. Mostly shelf staple items with limited dairy/produce. Please call for an appointment ... [ more ]

Kingdom Life Christian Church

600 Naugatuck Avenue | (203) 877-5464
Joseph's Storehouse Food Pantry available by appointment on Thursdays only from 11am-3pm. Pantry can be accessed one time per month ... [ more ]

Milford Christian Church

989 New Haven Avenue | (203) 874-1233
By appointment only. Please call number above ... [ more ]

Milford Regional Pop-Up Pantry

Cornerstone Christian Center, Kingdom Life Church, and CT Food Bank
Third Thursday of the month at 3:30pm. Check the Milford Patch and CT Food Bank Website for location details.

Milford Senior Center

9 Jepson Drive | (203) 877-5131
Limited pre-packaged boxes for individuals and families. Call to schedule pick-up ... [ more ]

Purple Pantry Boxes

Various Locations in Milford | (475) 549-8130
There are 10 Purple Food Pantry boxes located throughout Milford that are stocked with staple items ... [ more ]

Saint Gabriel Church

26 Broadway | (203) 878-3075
Church based Food Pantry provides non-perishable food, including frozen meat, to Milford residents in need. Service is weekly by appointment only ... [ more ]

Saint Mary's Church

70 Gulf Street | (203) 783-3253
John Rigley Food Pantry -- Monthly food pantry. Contact Department of Human Services at number above for referral ... [ more ]

The Storehouse Project

349 Wheelers Farms Road | (203) 490-6674
The food pantry is operated twice weekly on Thursday and Saturday. To make an appointment please call number above on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 - 6 PM.

Milford Lunch / Dinner Meals

Beth-El Center, Inc.

90 New Haven Avenue | (203) 876-0747
Meals to go daily on weekdays only. Pickup between 11:30am - 1:00pm -- includes lunch and dinner ... [ more ]

Mary Taylor Memorial United Methodist Church

168-176 South Broad Street | (203) 874-1982
Monthly community supper on the Fourth Thursday of the month for approx. 40-50 people on a walk in basis. Served as to go 5:30pm - 6:30pm.

Milford Senior Center

9 Jepson Drive | (203) 877-5131
Mini-Lunch program all meals hot and ready to eat. Outdoor dining daily with reservation. Curbside pick-up Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Call by 10:00 am to reserve ... [ more ]

Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church

283 Bridgeport Avenue | (203) 874-2701
Provides 20-25 lunches per week and delivers to Beth-El Center every Friday. [ more ]

Saint Peter's Episcopal Church

31 River Street | (203) 874-8562
Free monthly meals are served to the public. Second Thursday of every month. Grab and Go meals 5:30pm - 6:30pm. Please call number above ... [ more ]

The Storehouse Project

349 Wheelers Farms Road | (203) 490-6674
Weekly meals To Go. Every Monday of the month. 80 meals at the door + 170 shuttle meals

Milford Food Delivery

Meals on Wheels

Milford Senior Center | (203) 877-5131
Hot meals delivered 5 days a week. please contact Marie Vaughn ... [ more ]

Milford Food 2 Kids

First United Church of Christ | (203) 877-4277
Provides weekend meals to approximately 160 Milford youth in schools and Boys & Girls Village. Call for more information ... [ more ]

The Storehouse Project

(203) 668-6297
Truck delivers groceries to residents of housing projects and students on college campuses. For more information call number above.

Milford Farmers Markets

Bridgeport Hospital Milford Campus Farm Stand

2047 Bridgeport Avenue
Tuesday 2:00pm - 4:00pm

Devon Village Market

120 Bridgeport Avenue
Sundays 9:00am - 2:00pm

Downtown Milford Farmers Market

102 West Main Street
Saturdays 9:00am - 12:30pm

Walnut Beach Market

Walnut Beach Pavilion
Thursdays 4:00pm - 7:00pm

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